Top 10 Books on My Summer ’24 TBR | TTT

Hello, everyone! I know I said I was “back” a few weeks ago and proceeded to disappear — I think I’ll be in and out for a little while until I can keep the content fresher here. Besides, freeing up the time I spend talking about reading and converting it to actually reading seems like a good idea!

I’ve found the looser the TBR, the better it works for me, so that’s what I’m going for today. I may not even do the full ten for this Top Ten Tuesday. We shall see!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

1. “Why is This Night Different From All Other Nights?” (All the Wrong Questions, #4) by Lemony Snicket

I’ve been really enjoying reading middle grade lately, particularly the All the Wrong Questions books. I think they’ve been exactly what I’ve needed lately! After quite enjoying the other installments, I’m looking forward to seeing what’s packed in the finale.

2-4. The Spiderwick Chronicles, #3-#5 by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black

I think a lot of people gravitate to more fun reads in the summer, and for me that tends to be middle grade. Last year, it was Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and this year it’s looking like Lemony Snicket and rest of The Spiderwick Chronicles!

5. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (Hunger Games, #0) by Suzanne Collins

I’m really hoping this is the last time I mention this book without having actually finished it! Since watching the movie, I’ve pressured myself a bit to get around to it which, of course, made me want to read it less. However, after the announcement of Sunrise of the Reaping (something we’ve dreamed of for years and years), I’m more excited to read this one than ever! And I’ve actually started it which is a good sign.

6. The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2) by Maggie Stiefvater

Like The Raven Boys this past spring, The Dream Thieves is a reread that I look forward to come summer! These books hold such a special place in my heart, and this one was my favorite on my first read of the series. I’m definitely always happy to visit Henrietta and Cabeswater and all of these characters.

7. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett

I recently got a copy of this book, and I’ve been eyeing it on my shelf ever since. I’ve not seen the show and don’t know any plot points so I’m going into it pretty blind which I’m happy about. I’m really looking forward to starting it soon, if my mood-reading self permits it!

8-10. Franny and Zooey; Dead Things Are Closer Than They Appear; The Lost Hero

This wouldn’t be one of my posts if I didn’t bring up the same books I’ve been talking about for six months. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it brief! I’ve started Franny and Zooey and Dead Things Are Closer Than They Appear, both of which I’m quite enjoying so far. And though I’ve not started The Lost Hero, I’m still hoping to read some of the Heroes of Olympus books this year, and summer seems most fitting for that!

What books are on your summer TBR this year? Have you read any of the books on this list? Did you like them? Why, or why not? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!

[DISCLAIMER: Photos in this post may be paired with Amazon affiliate links, meaning I’d earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support!]

19 thoughts on “Top 10 Books on My Summer ’24 TBR | TTT”

    1. That’s good to hear about TBOSAS! I’m very excited for it. πŸ™‚ With the Heroes of Olympus, I feel like I’ve heard mixed reactions so I’m looking forward to seeing what I think. I hope we both get to it soon. Happy reading!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was hesitant about TBOSAS because I did not see why it was needed, but it was interesting, just weird to read abou Snow.

        I have mix feelings about Heroes but I am also curious, we’ll see. Let us know how it goes!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually first experienced the series through audiobooks, and I completely agree! Will Patton captures the story so well. Thank you, and happy reading!


    1. It can be a tricky thing to balance but as long as things are book-related, I find it tends to be quite a bit of fun. πŸ™‚ Happy reading!


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